Ready, Set, Travel!

 map of Garrett Land

Getting Ready for a Trip?

Get your little one(s) involved.  This can be a way to get the whole family on the same page and make sure that you are on time and on schedule.

Kids like to be part of the equation. Here’s how to get them involved:

Get Organized for Travel

1. Make a list. Have your child make a list of things they will take on the trip. This should include their toothbrush, toothpaste, their favorite shoes, sunscreen and clothes. Be sure to pack the favorite book!

2. Packing.  Have the kids pick out a few outfits for the trip.  Have them lay them out for your to review. This will save you time andScreen Shot 2015-07-25 at 3.03.50 PM the stress of what little Jane or John does not want to wear.

3. Sightseeing.  Print out a list of places you would like to visit while on your trip.  Read them with your child and have the family come to an agreement.  This provides anticipation and excitement. It also  limits some of the impromptu things kids may want to do in your travels.

4. Budget.  Put the family on a budget. Tell your child up front – how much money they have for souvenirs and daily treats. This teaches them a sense of responsibility and reduces unwanted spending.

5. Show them what to expect.  If possible, show your child pictures or videos of your vacation destination.  This will begin to educate them on where they are going.  You can also answer any questions they may have. This will also provide a deeper understanding and increase the historical significance for them.

Practiced in concert, this should save you some time and get all the family involved in the family vacation.

Happy travels!

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